Cute Winter Boots: The Meme That Made Abusers Cry FoulWhen violent sociopaths run into people who’ve finally had enough.Jan 261Jan 261
Small-Scale Farming is About to Change ForeverHow Small Farmers Will Have to Adapt to the End of Cheap MoneySep 8, 20241Sep 8, 20241
Why Mass Shootings in the U.S. Will Never EndHow a twisted notion of harm reduction puts us all at risk every single day.Sep 5, 20241Sep 5, 20241
I Got Kicked Off Instagram for Being Called a N*ggerSocial media networks are protecting hate speech and punishing people for defending themselves from itAug 30, 20248Aug 30, 20248
Working for Yourself vs. Working for The Man: Which is Better?People want to be in business for themselves the same way most people want to be in shape — they want the result, but not the process.Oct 18, 2023Oct 18, 2023
Dear Incels: It’s Not A Woman’s Job to Make You a Man.Women want “interesting, interested, and confident.” Nothing more. But nothing less, either.Aug 9, 202338Aug 9, 202338
Try This in a Small Town: Living in OneLocal man turns lazy ripoff of Hank Williams, Jr. song into a hit by making sure you have no idea what a small town is.Jul 26, 202342Jul 26, 202342
Cancelled: The Sylvanaqua Farms ControversyLessons I Learned in Business and Life From My Character AssassinationMar 1, 202317Mar 1, 202317
Fear and Loathing on the FarmWhy farmers are scared of their own customers, and how it’s holding sustainable agriculture backFeb 28, 20232Feb 28, 20232